On artmaking

One should acknowledge the limited reach of one’s art, and build upon it. Otherwise, it’s a sad contradiction—at worst, a mistake, and worst is most common. Most people would, of course, run to plagiarize the latest hit. But hits aren’t made by common people. Hits aren’t made by peasants. Hits are made by past hits, and share according language. You are not a hit. You should opt for antisocial behaviour.

Art that sells millions is made up that way: to sell millions. Are you going to sell millions? Fuck, no. Why would your sure-to-be-ignored art be “accessible”? Just because American Artist said so? You want to share all points with American Blockbuster, knowing full well that you are a nobody objectively? You are full of shit, if you subscribe to such a degrading belief. A fool and an idiot, and full of it—a walking shit balloon.

If one is guaranteed to be obliterated by the shrugness of society at scale, one should seek the contrary of accessible.

And reserve your arguments that downplay “what they think”. You care what they think, that’s why you cling to western theory, which ain’t but a lot of crap packaged in a Made In China translucent envelope.
I also care what they think. But I don’t try to favor myself in their eyes. I try to make them turn away faster. This is the only way, the right way.

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