Films. Films are like David Fincher films: they have a rigid aesthetic that only works in The Social Network. I’d venture to say that from a directing standpoint, The Social Network was an accident. Just like Inception. Nobody likes The Dark Knight, at least nobody with brain cells.
Everything that is beautiful on the individual level ruins the story. Hell, I’d say that everything beautiful ruins the story. A pretty frame, an intellectual quote, CGI, (notice how I’m putting everything in one box. I’m not anti-tech, I’m anti-everything they make), shiny props. This is why Better Call Saul’s cinematography is a mistake. Or why Wes Anderson is a mistake. Or Chris Nolan, or you. Or most things you like. Most things you like are a mistake. The things you like that are not a mistake you like them by accident.
Everything should exist for the benefit of others. If LRI was a film, everything around it should exist to make it better. A state that promotes individualism is dangerous to everyone, lost and irresponsible.
In a world full of failed states, all you need is LRI. In seeking ourselves, we become one; in praying to the Sky Queen, we aspire for oneness. Freedom is detachment from the world. Freedom is not having to make decisions anymore.
So go and make art that is unaccepted, illegal, and hated upon. Rejection & isolation: these are your aims. There is a reason to why dictionaries associate exile with clean green fields and choice with attaching multi-million dollar brands’ logos to your body. Distrust them and distrust yourself first. It is not how you think it is.